stuff I made and love:

As a creative, entrepreneur, maker, freelancer, or stay-at-home mom, you sometimes spend a lot of time in your home. That time isn’t just sleeping and life maintenance, it needs to be some of your most productive, inspired, and wealth-producing time.

What if I told you there are small home adjustments you can make that allow the energy of your work to flow with more focus, ease, and efficiency?

Contrary to what you might think, you don’t have to purge all your stuff, keep a spotless house, or leave home to have a productive day.

The High Vibe Home is a 25 page guide to clearing, balancing, and revitalizing the energy of your home space. It also includes a worksheet (that you can duplicate for each room in your house) and an informal audio recording of the guide.

Ready to create a High Vibe Home?! Click here to buy your copy for $25.


stuff other’s made and I love:


Anything. Everything. All the things that Danielle LaPorte has ever created. If she made art out of macaroni when she was five, I’d love that, too[p.s. this is an affiliate link for her books, programs, and other products. that’s how much I love her work.]

This GEM of a blog post about Self-Care vs. Self-Comfort by Molly Mahar of Stratejoy.